- Piante da Catalogo
Nyssa sylvatica
Nyssa sylvatica
Descrizione della Pianta
Nyssa sylvatica, commonly known as the black gum, is a deciduous tree native to eastern North America. This fascinating species is renowned for its stunning crimson fall foliage, a result of anthocyanin pigments. The Nyssa sylvatica displays a distinctive horizontal branching pattern, often with drooping lower branches, creating a pyramidal to rounded crown. The bark of mature trees is grayish-black and deeply furrowed, resembling alligator hide. Nyssa sylvatica thrives in acidic, moist soils and is a valuable component of wetland ecosystems.
IMPORTANT: Picture 1 show mother plant not for sale, the offer is for a plant with dimension indicated in description.
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Famiglia botanica: Cornaceae
Gene botanico: Nyssa
Specie botanica: Nyssa sylvatica
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