La Syringa, o lillà, è un arbusto ornamentale noto per i suoi fiori profumati e colorati. Tra le varietà più diffuse troviamo Syringa vulgaris, Syringa reticulata e Syringa miss kim, ognuna con caratteristiche uniche. Per una crescita ottimale, richiede terreno drenante, sole e potature regolari. Fiorisce nei climi temperati e si abbina perfettamente con rose e ortensie. Perfetta per siepi, aiuole o bordure fiorite, arricchisce il giardino con il suo profumo avvolgente e la sua eleganza naturale.
Syringa vulgaris
Prezzo di listino Da €17,00 EURPrezzo di listinoPrezzo unitario / per
Collezione: Syringa
L’eleganza profumata della Syringa
La Syringa, conosciuta come lillà, è un arbusto ornamentale straordinario, celebre per i suoi fiori profumati e rigogliosi. Originaria dell’Europa e dell’Asia, questa pianta è molto apprezzata nei giardini per la sua capacità di offrire colori vivaci e un profumo intenso. La Syringa si adatta perfettamente ai climi temperati e può svilupparsi come un cespuglio compatto o come un piccolo albero, a seconda della varietà. Grazie alla sua estetica raffinata e alla sua fragranza, è un’ottima scelta per abbellire vialetti, terrazzi e aiuole fiorite.
Le varietà più famose e le loro caratteristiche
Tra le specie più conosciute troviamo Syringa vulgaris, Syringa reticulata e Syringa miss kim. La Syringa vulgaris, o lillà comune, è nota per le sue grandi infiorescenze profumate nei toni del viola, bianco e rosa. La Syringa reticulata, detta anche lillà giapponese, cresce più alta e offre fiori bianchi cremosi, ideali per creare zone d’ombra nel giardino. La Syringa miss kim, invece, è perfetta per giardini di piccole dimensioni, grazie alla sua fioritura compatta e al suo fogliame decorativo che si tinge di rosso in autunno.
Come coltivare e curare la Syringa
Per garantire una crescita rigogliosa, la Syringa va piantata in un terreno ben drenato, preferibilmente in una posizione soleggiata. Le irrigazioni devono essere moderate, mantenendo il terreno umido ma evitando ristagni d’acqua. La potatura è essenziale per stimolare nuove fioriture e mantenere la pianta ordinata: è consigliabile eliminare i fiori appassiti e dare forma all’arbusto alla fine dell’estate. L’uso di concime organico in primavera favorisce una fioritura abbondante, mentre una pacciamatura leggera aiuta a proteggere le radici.
Un arbusto decorativo dal profumo inconfondibile
Oltre alla sua bellezza estetica, la Syringa è apprezzata per il suo profumo intenso, capace di avvolgere l’intero giardino con una fragranza delicata e floreale. È una pianta che attira farfalle e impollinatori, rendendola perfetta per chi desidera un giardino ricco di biodiversità. Si abbina magnificamente ad altri arbusti da fiore, come rose, ortensie e peonie, creando composizioni decorative di grande effetto. Perfetta per siepi, bordure o come pianta singola ornamentale, la Syringa è una scelta senza tempo per chi ama il giardinaggio.
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The cactus was very well wrapped and arrived in perfect condition. It is very healthy. It was received exactly as described. The price was excellent. It was shipped in a timely manner. I definitely recommend this seller.
El artículo coincide con la descripción buena comunicación con el vendedor excelente planta embalaje rapidez en el envío recomendable
Well wrapped and arrived in fine condition with well developed roots. Exactly as described with plenty of detail to catch the eye. A real value.
Well wrapped and arrived as a very healthy plant as described with developed roots. A good value.
Excellent sellar with very good communication, well described item , good value for money, well recommended.
Es una buena oportunidad para disfrutar de un gran ejemplar el trato con el vendedor es correcto y contesta rápido a las preguntas y el envío lo realiza con rrapidez buen empaquetado un placer
Healthy specimen finally arrived, good root ball. Beware of the need to purchase the export certificate if you are from the UK. The extra cost wasn't in the description when I placed the order, it is now after an amendment, though the seller put that right and I didn't have to purchase one. Overall, a good experience with good communication from the seller. Remember, it's coming from Italy so it won't be here tomorrow.
The cactus was just as described. Fast shipping and decent packaging, so far so good. If you buy just one plant from outside of your country, the shipping and health certificate would be expensive. I suggest to buy a few plants at the same time.
The tree arrived in secure and careful packaging, and was the size advertised. It was in good health, with damp roots, and was well protected for its long distance travel per post. We have glorious expectations for this White Ash tree. 🤞💪 It was delivered to the UK free of any known action on the part of customs and botanical health. It took 3 weeks to arrive from date of ordering. It is unknown when it was posted. The football was given a soak before planting into a pot.
25 days once shipped to get to my location (Italy to Hawaii). I purchased the phyto form for customs from this selller. Packaging was okay, could be better. Cactus was wrapped in paper towels and foam peanuts in a large box. I’m satisfied with my purchase. The cactus was exactly as described. Other than a few bent thorns and being dehydrated it looks fine from the top. Root system is small but I think it should make a full recovery with some TLC. I would purchase from this seller again.
Great communication and plant arrived swiftly. Looks as described!
Well-packed, premium quantity, I've received about two times more seeds than I've paid. Dispatch time is long, so delivery is not fast, but this does not matter to me. Excellent seller, I recommend.
Gute Qualität, Pflanze wie offeriert, guter Zustand und Aussehen, beste Verpackung für den sicheren Versand. Danke sehr, alles bestens.
The plant thoroughly packed, in very good condition. Very fast shipping. Very positive experience, highly recommended seller!
Delivered in padded envelope with recorded delivery seeds looks healthy and viable. I would recommend this seller.
Properly packaged with a fast turnaround on very well described plants.
This seller is fantastic, they helped me with the phyto documents which I truly am extremely grateful for!! The plant itself is beautiful and healthy, gorgeous red spines. I've already potted it up. The packing was absolutely out of this world, it took me ages to open it and when I did manage, the plant too was just so well wrapped up, no damage to the spines or roots either. Can't thank this seller enough! Post was expensive but it as come from Italy 🇮🇹 so it will be xx

Exactly as described, fast shipping and ultra good packing. Perfetto!
Very good seller, plant is as on the photo,a generous clump, price was very fair,seen a plant like that listed with much higher price(🤔)
diese , meine 2 . bestellung kam noch schneller an als die erste ( 5 tage ! ) . aber gut , dass kann halt günstig gelaufen sein . viel wichtiger : auch diese pflanze kam gut verpackt und gesund an . ich habe meiner frau auch eine obesa bestellt , bin gespannt . bis jetzt kann ich über diesen seller nur positives berichten .
Cuttings arrived with well established rootballs, extremely well packaged so there was no damage. There was good communication throughout and I am the proud owner of two small feijoa trees. I would definitely use this seller again.
La planta llegó en el plazo establecido y muy bien embalada. El ejemplar es tal y como se veía en la foto. El vendedor responde rápido a los mensajes.
Ordered four of these. From Italy to Canada in 5 weeks. They arrived fresh, and were professionally packed, super healthy specimens. I would so do this again. Five Stars. Amazing!
meine erste bestellung bei diesem händler und alles gut ! wie bestellt - so geliefert . sehr gut verpackt , anderthalb wochen unterwegs , alles bestens , 2 . bestellung ist unterwegs . dankeschön .
Great communication, seller very helpful. Plant was healthy with good roots but wasn't the one in the photos and was smaller than the plant listed, but that's not a problem for me. I would buy from this seller again. Thank you!
Sehr schöne Pflanze, bestens verpackt und schnell verschickt, ein sehr empfehlenswerter Ebayer! Vielen Dank!
There were some problems with postage and customs which caused a delay on the way to the UK, but the plants were well packed, so survived the ordeal well. I give 5 stars, as the delay was not the fault of the seller.
Excellent seller. Fast shipping. Well packed.
Alles bestens, schöne Pflanze. Top verpackt und schnell versandt. Daher sehr zu empfehlen. Danke sehr.
Super verpackt. Blitzversand. 5 ⭐️ - immer wieder gerne. ☺️
Schnelle Lieferung, gute Verpackung, schöne Ware: frische Blätter;würde wieder dort kaufen
Good match with the description, fast delivery. I recommend to everyone.
superbe plante et colis en très bon état bravo je recommande cette entreprise Italienne merci
Sehr schnelle Lieferung, Pflanze wie beschrieben, vielen Dank, sehr gern wieder.
Super verpackt, Pflanze bzw. Knolle unbeschädigt angekommen, entsprach dem Angebot, Danke.
Cactus arrived in good condition, as described. Recommended seller. Thank you!
Item arrived sooner than expected, highly recommend seller
Die Pflanze war sehr gut verpackt und ist sehr Vital und treibt nach einem Rückschnitt sehr gut aus. Der Verkäufer ist zu empfehlen!!!👍👍👍
Excellently packaged, root ball arrived wet/moist. Absolutely no drama.
Alles bestens. Versand nach Deutschland hat 2 Wochen gedauert. Die Citrus-Pflanze war gut verpackt und hat die Zeit gut überstanden. Schöne, gesunde Pfanze. Ich würde wieder bei dem Verkäufer bestellen!
Citrus limon cv ETNA (extra red fruits) arrived in great shape. I already grow different citrus fruits so I know how to transition bare-root trees into growing. After a few weeks and careful care, the tree is sprouting now. Very good size and very well packed. I recommend this seller
Top.. schnelle Lieferung und gute Qualität. Sind super verpackt. Gern wieder

Bestens verpackt. Schnelle Lieferung. Sehr gute Qualität.
well packed nice advertised,overall very good.
Plants in very good sprouting condition, well packed and fast delivered.
Came well packaged