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Phragmites australis 15-30cm

Phragmites australis 15-30cm

Regular price €9,90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €9,90 EUR
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Product Description

Phragmites australis, commonly known as Common Reed or Reed Grass, is a robust and widespread perennial grass native to wetlands and marshy areas across the Northern Hemisphere. It is known for its tall, feathery plumes and dense stands, making it an important component of wetland ecosystems and a valuable ornamental grass in landscaping.

Common Reed typically grows in dense clumps and can reach impressive heights of 6 to 15 feet (1.8 to 4.5 meters) or more. Its long, upright stems are adorned with elongated leaves and topped with feathery, purple-brown to beige flower heads in late summer and fall. These plumes add a unique and graceful aesthetic to wetland landscapes and gardens, where they sway with the breeze and create visual interest. Despite being a valuable plant for wildlife and wetland conservation, it can become invasive in some regions if not managed properly.


  1. Sunlight: Common Reed is a sun-loving plant and thrives in full sunlight. It will tolerate partial shade, but it may not reach its full height or produce as many plumes in shadier conditions.

  2. Water Requirements: This grass naturally grows in wetland environments and is adapted to moist to waterlogged soil. It can tolerate standing water for extended periods and is well-suited to areas with seasonal or even year-round water presence. However, it can also adapt to drier conditions once established.

  3. Soil: Phragmites australis prefers soils that are rich in organic matter and can hold moisture. It can grow in a range of soil types, including clay, loam, and sandy soils, as long as there is sufficient moisture available.

  4. Fertilization: Common Reed generally does not require additional fertilization when grown in its native habitat or in wetland restoration projects. However, in garden settings, you can apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in the spring to encourage healthy growth.

  5. Propagation: This grass primarily reproduces via rhizomes and seeds. In garden settings, it can be propagated through division or by planting seeds. Keep in mind that it can spread rapidly when not controlled.

  6. Maintenance: Phragmites australis can be an aggressive spreader, so consider its growth habits and potential invasiveness when planting. Regularly monitor and manage its growth to prevent it from overtaking other plants in your garden or natural areas.

  7. Invasiveness: In some regions, especially North America, certain non-native strains of Common Reed have become invasive and can outcompete native wetland vegetation. Ensure you are planting native or non-invasive strains in ecologically sensitive areas.

  8. Wildlife Value: Common Reed provides habitat and food for various wildlife, including birds, insects, and aquatic species. It contributes to wetland ecosystem health and is valued for its ecological role.

  9. Legal Considerations: Be aware of any local regulations or restrictions regarding the planting or control of Common Reed, as it can be considered invasive in certain areas.

Phragmites australis is a versatile and ecologically important plant in wetland ecosystems. When cultivated in gardens, it can add a touch of natural beauty and height to landscapes, but it should be managed carefully to prevent it from becoming invasive in non-native habitats.

IMPORTANT: Please be aware that picture 1 show adult plant not for sale, the offer is for a plant in the dimension indicated in title description.




Info and Disclaimers

Plant height: 15-30cm

Pot diameter:

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