Adenium Seeds

Scopri la nostra collezione di semi di Adenium, ideali per coltivare la straordinaria rosa del deserto, famosa per i suoi tronchi spessi e i suoi fiori a tromba dai colori vivaci. Originarie dell’Africa e della Penisola Arabica, le specie di Adenium prosperano in climi caldi e secchi, producendo fiori rosa, rossi e bianchi. Questi semi crescono in piante resistenti alla siccità, perfette per vasi interni o spazi soleggiati all’aperto. I semi di Adenium germinano al meglio in terreni ben drenanti e caldi, ideali per collezionisti e appassionati di piante esotiche e a bassa manutenzione.

Collection: Adenium Seeds

Adenium Seeds: Bring Beauty to Your Garden

Experience the charm of adenium seeds, perfect for growing stunning desert rose plants. These seeds thrive in warm climates and are celebrated for their vibrant flowers and unique bonsai potential.

Adenium Obesum: The Desert Rose

The adenium obesum, commonly known as the desert rose, is a showstopper with its thick trunk and bright blooms. Whether you're starting with adenium seeds or planting a young adenium plant, these versatile plants add elegance to any garden.

Adenium Bonsai: Art and Nature Combined

Transform your adenium obesum into a bonsai masterpiece. With the right care, adenium bonsai trees flourish indoors and outdoors, creating a natural art piece.

Adenium Care and Planting Tips

From adenium planting to pruning, these plants are low-maintenance yet rewarding. Adenium plant care includes simple steps for soil, watering, and sunlight to ensure healthy growth and vibrant flowers.

Cultivate adenium seeds for a garden that combines exotic beauty with ease of care. Their versatility makes them a favorite among gardening enthusiasts and bonsai artists alike.