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Mammillaria thornberi subsp. yaquensis 3-5cm

Mammillaria thornberi subsp. yaquensis 3-5cm

Regular price €9,90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €9,90 EUR
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Product Description

Mammillaria thornberi, commonly known as Thornber's Pincushion or Thornber's Fishhook Cactus, is a charming species of cactus native to the southwestern United States, particularly Arizona and New Mexico. This small, globular cactus belongs to the Mammillaria genus and is cherished for its distinctive appearance, including dense white spines and tiny, colorful flowers. Thornber's Pincushion is a popular choice among cactus enthusiasts and collectors, as it is relatively easy to care for and adds a unique touch to desert and succulent gardens.

The defining feature of Mammillaria thornberi is its spherical shape, which can reach a diameter of 3 to 5 inches (7.5 to 12.5 cm). The cactus is covered in tightly packed, straw-colored to white spines, with some longer central spines curved like fishhooks. These spines create a striking contrast with the green body of the cactus. In late spring to early summer, Thornber's Pincushion produces dainty, funnel-shaped flowers that can vary in color from creamy white to pale pink or yellow. These blooms are typically solitary and appear near the crown of the cactus.


  1. Sunlight: Mammillaria thornberi thrives in full sun. Provide it with at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day to ensure healthy growth and flowering.

  2. Soil: Well-draining cactus or succulent potting mix is essential for this cactus. A mix with good drainage will help prevent root rot.

  3. Watering: Allow the soil to dry out between waterings. During the growing season (spring and summer), water moderately, ensuring that excess water drains away. Reduce watering in the fall and winter when the cactus is in dormancy.

  4. Temperature: Thornber's Pincushion is cold-hardy to some extent but prefers temperatures between 70-100°F (21-38°C) during the growing season. Protect it from freezing temperatures in the winter, ideally keeping it above 50°F (10°C).

  5. Pot and Container: If you're growing Mammillaria thornberi in a container, ensure it has drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. Terracotta pots are a good choice, as they allow excess moisture to evaporate.

  6. Fertilization: Feed your cactus with a diluted, balanced liquid fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer). Fertilize sparingly, typically every 4-6 weeks.

  7. Pruning: Prune or remove any dead or damaged spines as needed. Be cautious when handling the cactus due to its spines.

  8. Pests and Disease: Keep an eye out for common cactus pests like mealybugs and scale insects. Treat any infestations promptly by removing the pests and using a suitable insecticide if necessary.

  9. Repotting: Repot your Thornber's Pincushion every 2-3 years in the spring if it has outgrown its container. Choose a slightly larger pot with good drainage.

Mammillaria thornberi is a captivating addition to succulent gardens and cactus collections, with its unique appearance and charming flowers. By following these cultivation tips and providing the right conditions, you can enjoy the beauty of Thornber's Pincushion in your garden or indoor plant collection.

IMPORTANT: Please be aware that picture 1 show adult plant not for sale, the offer is for a plant in the dimension indicated in title description


A phytosanitary certificate (for additional costs of €20,00) is necessary for export plants from Italy to ALL destinations out of EUROPEAN COMMUNITY.

Among which: United Kingdom Turkey, South America, USA, CanadaAustralia, Japan, Singapore, Philippines, South Korea, Thailand, etc.



Info and Disclaimers

Plant height: 3-5cm

Pot diameter:

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