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Hoodia parviflora SEEDS

Hoodia parviflora SEEDS

Regular price €7,65 EUR
Regular price Sale price €7,65 EUR
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Product Description

The Hoodia parviflora is a striking succulent native to desert regions, known for its fleshy stems and small, pale yellow flowers. It resembles a cactus with its ribbed, spiny exterior, but it is part of the Apocynaceae family. Its cylindrical stems can grow upright, reaching up to 1 meter tall. The small flowers appear along the upper part of the stems, adding to its unique charm. This drought-tolerant plant has long been valued for its traditional use in suppressing hunger and thrives in arid environments with minimal care.

IMPORTANT: Please be aware that the picture show adult plant not for sale, the offer is for seeds

Botanical family: Apocynaceae

Botanical genus: Hoodia

Botanical species: Hoodia parviflora

Date of Harvest:



  • Soil type: Well-draining, sandy or gritty cactus mix
  • Watering frequency: Water sparingly; allow soil to dry completely between waterings
  • Light exposure: Bright, indirect light or partial sun
  • Temperature requirements: Prefers warmth; protect from frost, minimum 40°F (5°C)
  • Fertilization: Light feeding during the growing season
  • Pruning: Not required
  • Common pests: Watch for mealybugs and root rot in poorly drained soil

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