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Gasteria armstrongii DARK KNIGHT variegated A31

Gasteria armstrongii DARK KNIGHT variegated A31

Regular price €500,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €500,00 EUR
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Product Description

Gasteria armstrongii is native to South Africa, where it grows in dry, rocky regions. It belongs to the Asphodelaceae family, closely related to succulent plants like Aloe and Haworthia.

The "Dark Knight" variety is selected for its distinctive and attractive foliage, characterized by dark green coloration with striking white or cream variegation. This variety has been developed through selective breeding and cultivation to accentuate its desired traits.


  • Gasteria armstrongii "Dark Knight" thrives in bright locations but prefers indirect sunlight. A south or west-facing window can be an excellent spot.
  • Avoid direct exposure to sunlight during the hottest hours, especially in regions with very hot climates.
  • This plant tolerates temperatures ranging from 18°C to 24°C during the summer growing season.
  • During winter, it's preferable to maintain temperatures around 10°C to 15°C.
  • Gasterias are succulent plants and prefer well-draining soil. Water only when the soil is completely dry.
  • During summer, water moderately, ensuring the soil doesn't become completely dry.
  • Reduce watering during winter when the plant is dormant.
  • Use a specific succulent potting mix or prepare a blend of sandy soil and perlite to ensure good drainage.
  • Avoid heavy soils that retain too much water.
  • Fertilize during the spring and summer growing seasons with a diluted succulent fertilizer.
  • Avoid fertilizing during winter when the plant is in a dormant state.
  • Gasteria armstrongii can be easily propagated through division of offsets or by sowing seeds.
  • Propagation through division is the most common and fastest method.
General Care:
  • Remove dead or damaged leaves to keep the plant healthy and prevent diseases.
  • Protect the plant from drafts and extreme temperatures.

By following these cultivation guidelines, you can enjoy a healthy and vigorous variegated Gasteria armstrongii "Dark Knight."



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