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Cassia corymbosa

Cassia corymbosa

Regular price €15,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €15,00 EUR
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Plant Description

The Cassia corymbosa, commonly known as Flowering Senna or Butterfly Bush, is a beautiful semi-evergreen shrub that enchants with its bright yellow, cup-shaped flowers that bloom profusely in late summer to fall. This medium-sized shrub has compound leaves with multiple pairs of oval leaflets that provide a lush, green backdrop to its vibrant blooms. Growing up to 8 feet tall, it attracts butterflies and bees, adding life to any garden. Native to South America, it thrives in warm climates and can be used as a stunning hedge or a standout specimen plant.

IMPORTANT: Please be aware that picture show adult plant not for sale, the offer is for a plant in the dimension indicated in title description.

Disclaimer: Please keep on mind that the plant may have grown since pictured. Also be aware that most plants change across seasons. If present foliage could have been fallen or change in its color.

Botanical family: Fabaceae

Botanical genus: Cassia

Botanical species: Cassia corymbosa



Terreno: Preferisce terreni fertili e ben drenati.

Innaffiatura: Innaffiatura moderata; lasciare che il terreno si asciughi leggermente tra un’innaffiatura e l’altra.

Luce: Pieno sole o ombra parziale.

Temperatura: Resistente nelle zone USDA 9-11; proteggere dal gelo.

Fertilizzazione: Utilizzare un fertilizzante bilanciato in primavera per favorire la fioritura.

Potatura: Potare dopo la fioritura per mantenere la forma e incoraggiare una nuova crescita.

Parassiti: Attenzione agli afidi e ai bruchi.

Benefici: Ideale per creare siepi colorate, attirare impollinatori e migliorare l’estetica del giardino.

Additional information

Plant Height: 15-30cm

Plant Diameter:

Picture Taken on:

Pot Size:

Grafted/Not Grafted:

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