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Capsicum pubescens "rocoto" SEEDS

Capsicum pubescens "rocoto" SEEDS

Regular price €5,00 EUR
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Product Description

Capsicum pubescens, commonly known as "rocoto" or "locoto," is a unique and distinctive species of chili pepper originating from South America, particularly in the Andean regions of Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador. Rocoto is renowned for its distinctive features and its importance in regional cuisine.

This chili pepper plant stands out with its hairy leaves and stems, which give it a fuzzy appearance. The rocoto pepper itself is relatively large and has a rounded, bell-like shape with thick walls. It can come in various colors, including red, yellow, orange, and green, depending on its maturity.

What sets rocoto apart from other chili peppers is its moderate to high heat level, often described as being hotter than jalapeños but milder than habaneros. Its flavor is fruity and slightly sweet, which adds depth to dishes it is used in.

Rocoto peppers are a crucial ingredient in many traditional Andean dishes, such as rocoto relleno, a stuffed pepper dish, and various salsas and sauces. They are also often used in soups, stews, and as a condiment to add both heat and flavor to Peruvian and Bolivian cuisine.

Cultivating Capsicum pubescens "rocoto" can be challenging in regions with a colder climate, as it prefers warmer conditions. However, it is a popular choice among chili enthusiasts and is grown in various regions worldwide, allowing people to enjoy its unique flavor and heat profile in their culinary creations.

Botanical family: Solanaceae

Botanical genus: Capsicum

Botanical species: Capsicum pubescens

Date of Harvest:



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