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  • Vegetable Seeds

Brassica rapa var. 'Turnip greens' SEEDS

Brassica rapa var. 'Turnip greens' SEEDS

Regular price €2,30 EUR
Regular price Sale price €2,30 EUR
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Product Description

Cima di rapa, commonly known as turnip greens or broccoli rabe, is a traditional Italian leafy vegetable valued for its tender leaves, small green flower buds, and slightly bitter, earthy flavor. Native to Southern Italy, especially Puglia, it’s often grown for its young shoots and buds that resemble small broccoli heads. These edible greens bring a unique taste to a variety of dishes and are a staple in Italian cuisine, particularly in the classic “orecchiette con cime di rapa.” This plant is cold-tolerant and grows quickly, maturing in cool seasons and providing a nutritious addition to the garden and kitchen.

IMPORTANT: Please be aware that the picture show adult plant not for sale, the offer is only for seeds

Botanical family: Brassicaceae

Botanical genus: Brassica

Botanical species: Brassica rapa


Soil type: Prefers well-draining, nutrient-rich soil with a neutral to slightly acidic pH.

Watering frequency: Keep soil consistently moist, especially during dry periods; water deeply once a week.

Light exposure: Thrives in full sun but tolerates partial shade, especially in warmer climates.

Temperature requirements: Ideal for cool weather, around 10-18°C (50-65°F); grows well in early spring or fall.

Fertilization: Use a nitrogen-rich fertilizer to encourage leafy growth.

Pruning: Harvest young shoots and flower buds regularly to promote new growth.

Common pests: Watch for aphids, flea beetles, and cabbage worms.

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