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Arrojadoa reflexa TU78 SEEDS

Arrojadoa reflexa TU78 SEEDS

Regular price €2,00 EUR
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Product Description

Arrojadoa reflexa TU78 refers to a specific collection or cultivar within the Arrojadoa reflexa species, a distinctive cactus known for its attractive appearance and vibrant flowering. This particular designation (TU78) likely indicates a plant collected from a specific location or possessing unique characteristics within the species, such as variations in spine coloration, flower color, or growth habit. Arrojadoa reflexa, in general, is celebrated for its slender, columnar stems that cluster together, reaching impressive heights and capped with rings of pink to red flowers that create a visually striking display.

Cultivation from Seeds:

  1. Seed Preparation: Seeds of Arrojadoa reflexa TU78 should be soaked in lukewarm water for a few hours to soften the seed coat, which can enhance germination rates.

  2. Sowing: Use a well-draining soil mix specifically designed for cacti and succulents. Scatter the seeds on the soil surface, gently pressing them down without completely burying them to ensure they receive enough light for germination.

  3. Germination Environment: Maintain the seeds in a warm (20-25°C or 68-77°F), brightly lit environment, avoiding direct sunlight which can scorch the delicate seedlings. A clear plastic cover over the seeding tray can help keep humidity levels consistent.

  4. Watering: Mist the soil lightly but consistently to keep it moist, being careful not to overwater and cause seed rot. Good drainage is essential.

  5. Germination Time: Expect seeds to begin germinating within a few weeks, though some might take longer. Patience is important as cacti seeds can have varied germination times.

  6. Seedling Care: Once seedlings start to emerge, gradually reduce the humidity by lifting the cover periodically, increasing air circulation and reducing mold risk.

  7. Transplanting: When seedlings are sturdy enough and have developed a set of true leaves (or spines, in this case), they can be carefully transplanted into individual pots with the same well-draining soil.

  8. Ongoing Care: Water the young cacti sparingly, allowing the soil to dry completely between waterings. Provide bright, indirect light and protect from extreme temperatures.

Growing Arrojadoa reflexa TU78 from seeds is a fascinating process, offering cactus enthusiasts the chance to nurture this unique and beautiful cactus from its earliest stages to mature, flowering specimens.


Botanical family: Cactaceae

Botanical genus: Arrojadoa

Botanical species: Arrojadoa reflexa TU78

Date of Harvest:



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