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Amorpha fruticosa 60-70cm

Amorpha fruticosa 60-70cm

Regular price €16,50 EUR
Regular price Sale price €16,50 EUR
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Product Description

Amorpha fruticosa, commonly known as False Indigo Bush or Desert False Indigo, is a deciduous shrub native to North America. This hardy and versatile plant is prized for its unique, feathery foliage and showy purple flowers.

False Indigo Bush is a medium-sized shrub that typically reaches heights of 6 to 12 feet (1.8 to 3.7 meters) and spreads to a similar width. It features pinnately compound leaves with numerous small, narrow leaflets that give the foliage a delicate, airy appearance. In late spring to early summer, Amorpha fruticosa produces striking, upright spikes of vivid purple, butterfly-shaped flowers. These blossoms are not only visually appealing but also attract pollinators, such as bees and butterflies. After flowering, the shrub forms elongated seed pods that contain small, pea-like seeds.


  1. Location: Plant False Indigo Bush in a location that receives full sun to partial shade. It thrives in sunny conditions but can tolerate some shade.

  2. Soil: This shrub is adaptable to a range of soil types, including loamy, sandy, and clayey soils. It can also tolerate occasional wet conditions and is somewhat drought-tolerant once established.

  3. Watering: Water young plants regularly to help establish their root systems. Once established, False Indigo Bush can withstand dry periods but benefits from occasional watering during prolonged drought.

  4. Pruning: Prune the shrub as needed to maintain its shape and remove any dead or overgrown branches. Regular pruning can also help encourage more robust flowering.

  5. Fertilization: In most cases, Amorpha fruticosa does not require regular fertilization. However, you can apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in the spring if the soil is nutrient-poor.

  6. Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch around the base of the shrub to conserve soil moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.

  7. Pests and Diseases: False Indigo Bush is generally resistant to many pests and diseases. However, it can occasionally be affected by aphids or spider mites. Inspect the shrub regularly and treat infestations as needed.

  8. Propagation: You can propagate Amorpha fruticosa through seeds or by taking softwood cuttings in the early summer. Seed germination may require scarification or stratification for better results.

Amorpha fruticosa is a valuable addition to gardens and landscapes, offering a burst of colorful blooms in late spring and early summer. Its adaptability to various soil types and relative low-maintenance nature make it a desirable choice for those looking to attract pollinators and add visual interest to their outdoor spaces.

IMPORTANT: Please be aware that picture 1 show adult plant not for sale, the offer is for a plant in the dimension indicated in title description like the one in pictures 2.



Info and Disclaimers

Plant height: 60-70cm

Pot diameter:

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