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Vatricana guentheri SEEDS

Vatricana guentheri SEEDS

Regular price €2,40 EUR
Regular price Sale price €2,40 EUR
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Product Description

Vatricania guentheri is an intriguing columnar cactus native to Bolivia. It has a tall, cylindrical stem covered in dense, white, woolly hair, giving it a distinctive, aged appearance. The green body of the plant is segmented by deep ridges and decorated with clusters of yellowish spines. As the cactus matures, it produces a cephalium, a specialized structure covered in dense wool and bristles, from which large, tubular pink flowers emerge. Its unique woolly texture and imposing stature make Vatricania guentheri a striking addition to any cactus collection.

IMPORTANT: Please be aware that picture 1 show flower of adult plant not for sale, the offer is for seeds.

Botanical family: Cactaceae

Botanical genus: Vatricania

Botanical species: Vatricania guentheri

Date of Harvest:



Soil type: Well-draining cactus mix with added sand or grit.

Watering frequency: Water sparingly, allowing soil to dry between watering.

Light exposure: Full sun or bright light.

Temperature requirements: Prefers warm temperatures; protect from frost.

Fertilization: Use a cactus fertilizer monthly during growing season.

Pruning: No pruning necessary.

Common pests: Watch for scale insects and mealybugs.

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