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Quercus cerris

Quercus cerris

Regular price €11,70 EUR
Regular price Sale price €11,70 EUR
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Plant Description

La Quercus cerris, o Farnia Orientale, è un maestoso albero deciduo noto per le sue dimensioni robuste e caratteristiche distintive. Le sue foglie profondamente lobate e di un verde scuro hanno un margine leggermente spinoso, offrendo una texture unica. La corteccia è spessa e solcata, con un aspetto rugoso e sugheroso che si accentua con l’età. Produce ghiande allungate con una caratteristica cupola sfrangiata, rendendo la Farnia Orientale una presenza imponente nei boschi e nei grandi paesaggi. Questo albero è molto apprezzato per la sua resilienza e capacità di adattarsi a vari ambienti.

IMPORTANT: Please be aware that picture 1 show adult plant not for sale, the offer is for a plant in the dimension indicated product description.

Disclaimer: Please keep on mind that the plant may have grown since pictured. Also be aware that most plants change across seasons. If present foliage could have been fallen or change in its color.

Botanical family: Fagaceae

Botanical genus: Quercus

Botanical species: Quercus cerris



Soil type: Prefers well-draining, loamy soil but adapts to various types, including clay and sandy soils.

Watering frequency: Water young trees regularly; mature trees are highly drought-tolerant.

Light exposure: Thrives in full sun but can tolerate partial shade.

Temperature requirements: Hardy in zones 5–8, withstanding both cold winters and mild frost.

Fertilization: Generally not necessary; if desired, apply a balanced fertilizer in spring.

Pruning: Requires minimal pruning; remove dead or damaged branches as needed.

Common pests: Oak processionary moth, aphids, and powdery mildew may appear; monitor regularly.

Additional information

Plant Height:

Plant Diameter:

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Pot Size:

Grafted/Not Grafted: Not Grafted

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