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Lithops amicorum C410 (75 km SE Aus, Namibia)

Lithops amicorum C410 (75 km SE Aus, Namibia)

Regular price €32,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €32,00 EUR
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Product Description

Lithops werneri C188 is a distinctive variety of Lithops, commonly known as "living stones." Here's a description:

  1. Appearance: This Lithops variety typically features a pair of thick, fleshy leaves that are fused together at the base, forming a rounded or slightly elongated shape. The leaves often exhibit hues of green, gray, or brown, resembling the colors of the rocky terrain in its native habitat.

  2. Texture: The surface of the leaves may display subtle indentations or markings, mimicking the texture of weathered stones or pebbles.

  3. Flowering: During the blooming season, Lithops werneri C188 produces small, daisy-like flowers that emerge from the center cleft between its leaves. The flowers can vary in color, ranging from white to yellow or pink, adding a charming touch to the plant's appearance.

  4. Habitat: Indigenous to Namibia, Lithops werneri C188 thrives in arid regions with sandy or gravelly soil. It is well-adapted to survive in harsh conditions with minimal water availability, making it suitable for xeriscaping projects.

  5. Cultural Care: This variety of Lithops prefers well-draining soil and plenty of sunlight. It's essential to avoid overwatering, as excessive moisture can lead to rot and other problems. During the plant's dormant period, watering should be reduced significantly.

  6. Size: Mature specimens typically reach a diameter of 2-4 centimeters, although individual plants may vary slightly in size depending on factors such as age and environmental conditions.

Lithops werneri C188 is prized for its unique appearance and resilience, making it a sought-after choice for succulent enthusiasts and collectors.

Botanical family: Aizoaceae

Botanical genus: Lithops

Botanical species: Lithops amicorum C410



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