- Single Specimen
Ferocactus wislizenii var. herrerae X Ferocactus rectispinus
Ferocactus wislizenii var. herrerae X Ferocactus rectispinus
Product Description
Ferocactus wislizenii var. herrerae X Ferocactus rectispinus is a striking hybrid cactus that combines the most prominent features of both species. This barrel-shaped cactus boasts a robust, globular form with deep, well-defined ribs. Its spines are a blend of long, rigid spines inherited from F. rectispinus and the slightly more flexible spines from F. wislizenii. The colors of these spines range from reddish-brown to pale yellow, creating a visual contrast against its deep green body. In late summer, it blooms with large, vibrant yellow or orange flowers, often followed by small, round fruit. This unique hybrid can grow up to 2.5 feet in height.
Botanical family: Cactaceae
Botanical genus: Ferocactus
Botanical species: Ferocactus wislizenii var. herrerae X Ferocactus rectispinus
Info and Disclaimers
Info and Disclaimers
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