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  • Sigle Specimen

Ferocactus stainesii X Ferocactus rectispinus

Ferocactus stainesii X Ferocactus rectispinus

Regular price €28,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €28,00 EUR
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Product Description

Ferocactus stainesii X Ferocactus rectispinus is a striking hybrid cactus that combines the best features of both parent species. It boasts a robust, barrel-shaped body with pronounced ribs covered in clusters of long, sharp spines. The spines can vary in color, often presenting a dramatic mix of red, yellow, and brown, which contrast beautifully against the green or blue-green body of the cactus. This cactus hybrid also produces large, vibrant yellow or red flowers at the crown, adding an extra layer of visual interest and beauty. Its imposing appearance makes it an excellent choice for collectors and enthusiasts.

Please be aware that most plants change across seasons. For example, some of them will naturally lose leaves or change in colour during colder months. Do not hesitate to contact us for further informations about the plants of your interest.

Botanical family: Cactaceae

Botanical genus: Ferocactus

Botanical species: Ferocactus stainesii X Ferocactus rectispinus



Soil type: Well-draining, sandy or gritty cactus mix.

Watering frequency: Sparingly; allow soil to dry out completely between waterings.

Light exposure: Full sun.

Temperature requirements: Tolerates heat; protect from frost.

Fertilization: Minimal; occasional feeding with a cactus-specific fertilizer during the growing season.

Pruning: Remove dead or damaged spines as needed.

Common pests: Watch for mealybugs and spider mites.

Info and Disclaimers

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