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Copiapoa cinerea x atacamensis A3

Copiapoa cinerea x atacamensis A3

Regular price €14,00 EUR
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Product Description

Copiapoa cinerea x atacamensis is a hybrid between Copiapoa cinerea, known for its stunning blue-grey, almost spherical bodies, and Copiapoa atacamensis, another species within the Copiapoa genus that features globular to columnar shapes and a tendency to cluster. This hybrid combines the desirable traits of both parent species, resulting in a plant with unique characteristics and an enhanced aesthetic appeal. Here's a brief overview of its description and some cultivation tips.


  • Body: The hybrid shows a mix of body shapes, often spherical to slightly elongated, showcasing the blue-grey coloration characteristic of Copiapoa cinerea. The body may also exhibit the clustering habit of Copiapoa atacamensis, leading to groups of stems forming over time.
  • Spines: Spines can vary from short to long, depending on which parent's traits are more dominant. They usually cover the body densely, offering a striking contrast against the blue-grey background.
  • Flowers: The flowers of this hybrid are generally yellow, similar to those found in the Copiapoa genus, and bloom near the crown of the plant during the growing season.
  • Size: The size of the hybrid can vary, but it generally stays compact, making it suitable for collections where space is a consideration.

Cultivation Tips

Light: Copiapoa hybrids, including cinerea x atacamensis, thrive in bright, indirect sunlight. Too much direct sunlight can lead to sunburn, especially in the hottest part of the day, so consider providing some afternoon shade.

Soil: Use a well-draining cactus mix, ideally with added sand or pumice to enhance drainage. Good drainage is crucial to prevent root rot.

Water: Water moderately during the growing season (spring to early fall), allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings. Reduce watering significantly during the winter months to encourage a period of dormancy.

Temperature: These hybrids prefer warm temperatures but can tolerate cooler temperatures during their dormant period in the winter. Protect them from frost, which can be damaging.

Fertilizing: Apply a diluted cactus fertilizer during the growing season every 4-6 weeks to support growth and flowering. Do not fertilize during the dormant period.

Repotting: Repotting every 2-3 years in the spring can help maintain healthy growth. Be gentle when repotting to avoid damaging the roots.

Pests/Diseases: Watch out for common succulent pests like mealybugs and spider mites. Ensuring proper air circulation and avoiding overwatering are key to preventing most pests and diseases.

By following these cultivation tips, your Copiapoa cinerea x atacamensis hybrid can grow healthily and showcase its unique beauty. This hybrid is a fascinating addition to any cactus collection, offering the best of both its parent species.



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