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Copiapoa cinerea KIKKO X Copiapoa hypogaea PF3

Copiapoa cinerea KIKKO X Copiapoa hypogaea PF3

Regular price €22,00 EUR
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Product Description

Copiapoa hybrids refer to cultivated varieties that result from the crossbreeding of different species within the Copiapoa genus, which is part of the cactus family. This genus is native to the desert regions of northern Chile, where it has adapted to thrive in harsh, arid environments. The hybrids are often created by enthusiasts and botanists to combine desirable traits from different species, such as unique forms, colorful flowers, or enhanced resilience to various growing conditions.

Hybridization in Copiapoa can produce a wide range of visual and physiological variations, leading to unique specimens that might not occur naturally. These hybrids can showcase a variety of sizes, spine configurations, body shapes, and flower colors. Hybridizing cacti, including Copiapoa, is a common practice among cactus enthusiasts who aim to create plants with specific aesthetic qualities or to increase genetic diversity within cultivated collections.

The Copiapoa cinerea 'Kikko' x Copiapoa hypogaea hybrid combines the distinctive traits of two remarkable Copiapoa species, creating a unique and visually striking cactus. This hybrid draws together the sculptural, geometric appeal of the 'Kikko' form of Copiapoa cinerea, characterized by its turtle shell-like pattern, with the subterranean and globular tendencies of Copiapoa hypogaea.


Foliage and Form: The hybrid tends to exhibit a compact, globular to slightly columnar form. The surface of the cactus incorporates the 'Kikko' pattern, marked by hexagonal or pentagonal impressions, resembling a turtle's shell. This texture is a striking feature, providing depth and interest to the plant's appearance. The body of the hybrid may also exhibit some of the subterranean growth habits of Copiapoa hypogaea, with parts of the plant growing close to or slightly below the soil surface, depending on the environmental conditions and the extent of the hypogaea genetics.

Color: The coloration of this hybrid can range from the blue-green or gray-green typical of Copiapoa cinerea 'Kikko' to the darker, more subdued tones associated with Copiapoa hypogaea. The waxy, glaucous coating that helps to reflect sunlight and conserve moisture is often present, contributing to the plant's overall grayish hue.

Spines: The spination can vary, reflecting the influence of both parent species. It may be somewhat reduced and less dense than in other Copiapoa species, with the 'Kikko' form typically showing fewer and shorter spines that accentuate the geometric pattern of the surface.

Flowers: The hybrid is likely to produce flowers that are similar to those of its parent species, with yellow blooms that emerge near the plant's apex. The flowering of this hybrid, like its parents, is dependent on age and growing conditions.

Cultivation Tips

Light: Requires full sun to partial shade. In extremely hot climates, some afternoon shade may be beneficial to prevent scorching.

Soil: A well-draining cactus mix is essential, ideally enhanced with grit or perlite to ensure good drainage and mimic the natural, rocky substrates of its parent species.

Watering: Water moderately during the growing season but allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings. In winter, reduce watering significantly to mimic the dry conditions of the plants' natural habitats.

Temperature: This hybrid is best suited to warm conditions but requires protection from frost. It may tolerate cooler temperatures during dormancy, but prolonged exposure to freezing temperatures should be avoided.

Feeding: A balanced, low-nitrogen fertilizer can be applied sparingly during the growing season to support healthy growth without promoting excessive water retention.

The Copiapoa cinerea 'Kikko' x Copiapoa hypogaea hybrid offers enthusiasts a unique opportunity to cultivate a plant that embodies the best traits of both parents. Its distinctive appearance, combined with the rugged adaptability inherent to the Copiapoa genus, makes it a fascinating addition to any collection of cacti.



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