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Ariocarpus trigonus X kotschoubeyanus SEEDS

Ariocarpus trigonus X kotschoubeyanus SEEDS

Regular price €2,30 EUR
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Product Description

The Ariocarpus trigonus x kotschoubeyanus hybrid combines the distinct characteristics of both Ariocarpus trigonus and Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus, resulting in a unique and highly desirable plant for succulent collectors. This hybrid showcases the best traits from its parent species, featuring a fascinating blend of shapes, textures, and possibly even flower colors. The exact appearance can vary depending on the specific genetics of the parents, but generally, this hybrid aims to meld the robust, triangular tubercles of A. trigonus with the smaller, more rounded and often purple-tinged tubercles of A. kotschoubeyanus. The flowers can range from the white to pink shades characteristic of A. kotschoubeyanus to the yellow or white blooms of A. trigonus, often resulting in a striking display.

Cultivation from Seeds

Growing an Ariocarpus trigonus x kotschoubeyanus hybrid from seeds is an exciting venture for any succulent enthusiast, offering the opportunity to nurture a truly unique plant. Here's how to cultivate this hybrid from seeds:

  1. Seed Collection and Storage: As with any succulent seeds, ensure they are fresh to maximize germination rates. Store them in a cool, dry place until you're ready to start the sowing process.

  2. Sowing Time: Spring is the ideal time for sowing, leveraging the warmer temperatures for encouraging germination.

  3. Soil Mix: Use a well-draining soil mix suitable for cacti and succulents. A mixture of coarse sand, perlite, and a small portion of organic matter (like compost) can create an ideal environment for seed germination and growth, ensuring good aeration and drainage.

  4. Sowing the Seeds: Distribute the seeds evenly on the soil surface. These seeds require light for germination, so do not cover them with soil. Instead, gently press them into the soil to ensure they make contact while still being exposed to light.

  5. Moisture and Temperature: Maintain the soil slightly moist but not waterlogged by misting lightly. Covering the seed tray with a clear plastic lid or wrap can help retain humidity and warmth, critical for seed germination. Avoid direct sunlight but ensure a warm, bright environment, ideally around 20-25°C (68-77°F).

  6. Germination Period: Patience is key, as seeds may take a few weeks to germinate. Keep the soil consistently moist during this time, and be on the lookout for mold or algae growth, adjusting ventilation as necessary.

  7. After Germination Care: Once seedlings emerge, gradually introduce them to less humid conditions by removing the cover for short periods daily, increasing exposure gradually. This helps acclimate them to the ambient air.

  8. Transplanting: When the seedlings are big enough to handle and have developed several true leaves, carefully transplant them into individual pots filled with the same well-draining soil mix.

  9. Ongoing Care: Provide bright, indirect light and water sparingly, allowing the soil to completely dry out between waterings. As the plants mature, they can tolerate more direct sunlight and less frequent watering, emulating their natural habitat conditions.

Cultivating an Ariocarpus trigonus x kotschoubeyanus hybrid from seeds is not only a rewarding experience but also allows enthusiasts to witness the development of a unique and beautiful succulent. With patience and proper care, these hybrids can become a striking addition to any succulent collection.


Botanical family: Cactaceae

Botanical genus: Ariocarpus trigonus X kotschoubeyanus

Botanical species: Cactaceae

Date of Harvest:



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