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Arequipa rettigii SEEDS

Arequipa rettigii SEEDS

Regular price €2,40 EUR
Regular price Sale price €2,40 EUR
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Product Description

Arequipa rettigii is a unique and rare cactus species native to Peru, particularly found in the high altitudes of the Andes. It is a small to medium-sized plant, characterized by its spherical to slightly elongated shape, often growing solitarily or in small clusters. The surface of the plant is covered with dense, white to gray spines that protect it from harsh sunlight and herbivores. One of the distinguishing features of Arequipa rettigii is its beautiful flowers, which bloom in various shades of pink and red, creating a striking contrast against its spiny body.

Cultivation from Seeds:

  1. Seed Preparation: Soaking the seeds of Arequipa rettigii in lukewarm water for a few hours can help soften their hard outer shell, enhancing germination success.

  2. Sowing: Plant the seeds in a well-draining soil mix suitable for cacti. Lightly cover the seeds with soil or simply press them into the surface, ensuring they are not buried too deeply, as they require light for effective germination.

  3. Germination Environment: Keep the seed tray in a bright area with indirect light, at a temperature range of 15-20°C (59-68°F), to mimic their native high-altitude conditions. A clear plastic cover can help maintain humidity.

  4. Watering: Mist the soil lightly to keep it moist but not waterlogged. Good drainage is essential to prevent seed and root rot.

  5. Germination Time: Expect seeds to germinate within 2-4 weeks, although some may take longer. Be patient, as germination times can vary.

  6. Seedling Care: Once the seedlings emerge, gradually reduce humidity by removing the cover for short periods each day, increasing their exposure to air.

  7. Transplanting: When seedlings are large enough to handle and have developed a few true spines, carefully transplant them into individual pots with suitable well-draining soil.

  8. Ongoing Care: Water sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings. Provide bright, indirect light and protect from extreme temperatures.

Cultivating Arequipa rettigii from seeds offers a unique opportunity to grow a rare and beautiful cactus species, adding an exotic and striking element to any cactus collection or garden.


Botanical family: Cactaceae

Botanical genus: Arequipa

Botanical species: Arequipa rettigii

Date of Harvest:



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