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Aloe thraskii SEEDS

Aloe thraskii SEEDS

Regular price €2,10 EUR
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Product Description

Aloe thraskii, also known as the dune aloe or beach aloe, is a striking succulent native to the coastal regions of South Africa. It is particularly notable for its tall, upright growth habit and large, robust rosettes of blue-green leaves that arch gracefully downwards. The leaves are characterized by their smooth margins and a slight toothiness near the tips, which are often tipped with a brownish coloration. Aloe thraskii can reach up to 3 meters in height and produces spectacular yellow to orange flower spikes in the summer, which are highly attractive to various pollinators, including birds and bees.

Cultivation from Seeds

Growing Aloe thraskii from seeds can be a fulfilling project for gardeners looking to add this magnificent aloe to their collection. Here's how to cultivate Aloe thraskii from seeds:

  1. Seed Collection and Storage: For best results, use fresh seeds which have been harvested from mature plants. Dry and store the seeds in a cool, dry place until you are ready to plant.

  2. Sowing Time: The optimal time for sowing Aloe thraskii seeds is in the spring, when temperatures start to warm up, facilitating germination.

  3. Soil Preparation: Use a well-draining soil mix, ideally formulated for succulents or cacti. Mixing general potting soil with sand and perlite in equal parts can create an ideal growing medium.

  4. Sowing the Seeds: Scatter the seeds lightly over the surface of the soil mix. Aloe seeds need light to germinate, so do not cover them with soil. Instead, gently press them into the soil to ensure they make contact while still being exposed to light.

  5. Moisture and Temperature: Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged by misting it lightly with water. Covering the seed tray with a clear plastic lid or wrap can help retain moisture and warmth, both of which are crucial for germination. Place the tray in a warm, well-lit location, avoiding direct sunlight that can overheat and dry out the soil too quickly.

  6. Germination: Seeds should begin to germinate within a few weeks, although some may take longer. Keep the soil consistently moist during this period.

  7. Care After Germination: Once the seedlings emerge, gradually acclimate them to less humid conditions by removing the cover for short periods each day. When they are large enough to handle, transplant them into individual pots filled with the same well-draining soil mix.

  8. Ongoing Care: Aloe thraskii prefers bright, indirect sunlight and should be watered sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings. As the plant matures, it can be gradually exposed to more direct sunlight.

Cultivating Aloe thraskii from seeds is not only an exercise in patience but also a rewarding way to propagate this distinctive and beautiful aloe. With proper care, it will grow into a stunning specimen, adding architectural interest and a touch of the exotic to gardens, patios, or indoor spaces.


Botanical family: Asphodelaceae

Botanical genus: Aloe

Botanical species: Aloe thraskii

Date of Harvest:



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