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Aloe buhrii SEEDS

Aloe buhrii SEEDS

Regular price €2,25 EUR
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Product Description

Aloe buhrii is a less commonly known but visually appealing species of Aloe native to the arid regions of South Africa. This succulent features rosettes of lance-shaped, blue-green leaves that may display reddish margins under stress conditions such as cold or drought. The leaves are decorated with white spots, which add to its ornamental appeal. Aloe buhrii is particularly noted for its vibrant orange to red flowers, which appear on tall spikes and can add a splash of color to any garden or collection. This species is relatively rare in cultivation but can be grown successfully with the right care.

Cultivation from seeds offers a rewarding experience for those interested in growing Aloe buhrii, although it requires patience and attention to detail. Here is a step-by-step guide to cultivating Aloe buhrii from seeds:

  1. Seed Preparation: Ensure your Aloe buhrii seeds are fresh for the best germination rate. Store the seeds in a cool, dry place until you are ready to plant them.

  2. Sowing Time: The optimal time to sow Aloe buhrii seeds is during the warmer months, as consistent warmth is essential for seed germination. Late spring to early summer is ideal in most climates.

  3. Soil Mix: Use a well-draining soil mix suitable for cacti and succulents. A mixture of potting soil, coarse sand, and perlite or pumice in equal parts works well to ensure good drainage and air circulation.

  4. Sowing the Seeds: Place the seeds on the surface of the soil mix, spacing them out evenly. Do not cover the seeds with soil, as they require light to germinate. Gently press them into the soil to ensure they make good contact but are still exposed to light.

  5. Moisture and Covering: Mist the soil lightly with water to moisten it without causing waterlogging. Covering the container with a clear plastic lid or plastic wrap can help maintain humidity and warmth, both of which are crucial for germination.

  6. Location and Temperature: Place the seed container in a warm, bright location but out of direct sunlight to prevent overheating. A temperature range of 20-25°C (68-77°F) is considered ideal for germinating Aloe buhrii seeds.

  7. Germination Period: Patience is key, as Aloe seeds can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months to germinate. Keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy during this time.

  8. Post-Germination Care: Once seedlings emerge, gradually acclimate them to less humid conditions by removing the cover for increasing periods each day. When seedlings are large enough to handle and have developed several true leaves, they can be carefully transplanted into individual pots.

  9. Continued Care: Aloe buhrii seedlings need bright light, minimal watering (allow the soil to dry out between waterings), and protection from extreme temperatures. As they grow, these aloes will appreciate more direct sunlight and a gradual introduction to outdoor conditions if they are to be moved outside.

Growing Aloe buhrii from seeds is a slow but gratifying process that allows gardeners to witness the development of this unique succulent from its very beginnings. With care and patience, Aloe buhrii can become a stunning addition to any succulent collection or garden.


Botanical family: Asphodelaceae

Botanical genus: Aloe

Botanical species: Aloe buhrii

Date of Harvest:



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