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Agave weberi x americana 25-30cm

Agave weberi x americana 25-30cm

Regular price €13,50 EUR
Regular price Sale price €13,50 EUR
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Product Description

gave weberi x americana is a hybrid plant resulting from a cross between Agave weberi and Agave americana.


  1. Leaves: The leaves of Agave weberi x americana are succulent, rigid, and arranged in a rosette. They are typically long, broad, and lanceolate, with sharp terminal spines. The leaves may have a blue-green or gray-green coloration.

  2. Size: This hybrid plant can vary in size depending on the specific cultivar and growing conditions. Generally, it tends to be large, with mature rosettes reaching several feet in diameter and height.

  3. Growth Habit: It typically forms a symmetrical rosette with leaves radiating outward from a central point. The plant may produce offsets or "pups" around the base as it matures.

  4. Inflorescence: When mature, Agave weberi x americana may produce a tall flowering stalk, known as a "quiote," bearing numerous small yellow or greenish flowers. However, not all hybrids may bloom, and flowering can vary.

  5. Hardiness: The hybrid's hardiness can vary based on the parent species involved and environmental factors. It may exhibit tolerance to drought and heat, typical of many agave species.

  6. Cultivation: Agave weberi x americana is commonly cultivated as an ornamental plant in gardens and landscapes. It prefers well-draining soil and full sun exposure but can tolerate partial shade. It is suitable for xeriscaping and arid garden environments.

  7. Maintenance: This hybrid plant generally requires minimal maintenance once established. It is drought-tolerant and only requires occasional watering, particularly during hot, dry periods. Pruning of dead or damaged leaves may be necessary for aesthetic purposes or to promote plant health.

Overall, Agave weberi x americana is valued for its architectural form, striking foliage, and low-maintenance characteristics, making it a popular choice for succulent gardens, rockeries, and desert-themed landscapes.

IMPORTANT: Please be aware that picture 1 show adult plant not for sale, the offer is for a plant in the dimension indicated in title description.



Info and Disclaimers

Plant height: 25-30cm

Pot diameter:

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