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Celtis australis

Celtis australis

Regular price €9,90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €9,90 EUR
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Product Description

Celtis australis, commonly known as the European nettle tree or southern hackberry, is a deciduous tree with a unique and graceful appearance. Native to southern Europe, western Asia, and northern Africa, this tree typically reaches heights of 15-25 meters (50-80 feet). Its defining feature is its serrated, elliptical leaves, which are dark green and alternate along its branches. In spring and early summer, inconspicuous greenish flowers appear, eventually giving way to small, spherical fruits that ripen to a reddish-brown color in late summer. While the fruits are edible, they are not widely consumed. Celtis australis is highly adaptable, able to thrive in various soil types, and is known for its resilience to adverse conditions, making it a valuable addition to landscapes.


  1. Location: Choose a sunny or partially shaded location for planting Celtis australis. It can tolerate some shade, but full sunlight is ideal for optimal growth and leaf development.

  2. Soil: Celtis australis is adaptable to a range of soil types but prefers well-draining soil. Ensure good drainage to prevent waterlogged roots, which can be detrimental to the tree's health.

  3. Planting: Plant Celtis australis in the spring or early fall when the weather is mild. Dig a hole that is twice as wide as the root ball and deep enough to accommodate it comfortably.

  4. Watering: While Celtis australis is drought-tolerant once established, young trees require regular watering to establish a strong root system. Water deeply and consistently during the first couple of years after planting, and then reduce watering as the tree matures.

  5. Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch around the base of the tree to retain soil moisture and suppress weeds. Maintain a gap between the mulch and the tree's trunk to prevent moisture-related issues.

  6. Pruning: Prune Celtis australis during the dormant season (winter or early spring) to shape the tree, remove dead or damaged branches, and promote healthy growth. Minimal pruning is usually required once the tree is well-established.

  7. Fertilization: Generally, Celtis australis does not require heavy fertilization. If the soil is poor, you can apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in early spring. Avoid over-fertilizing, as it can lead to excessive growth.

  8. Pest and Disease Management: This tree is relatively resistant to pests and diseases, but monitor for common issues like aphids or powdery mildew and treat as necessary.

  9. Protection from Wildlife: If you live in an area with deer or other browsing wildlife, consider protecting young Celtis australis trees with fencing or repellents until they are established and less vulnerable.

By following these cultivation tips, you can enjoy the beauty and adaptability of Celtis australis in your landscape while ensuring its healthy growth and longevity.

IMPORTANT: Please be aware that picture 1 show adult plant not for sale, the offer is for a plant in the dimension indicated in title description.



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