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Calibanus (sin. Beaucarnea) hookeri SEEDS

Calibanus (sin. Beaucarnea) hookeri SEEDS

Regular price €9,90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €9,90 EUR
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Product Description

Calibanus hookeri, formerly known as Beaucarnea hookeri, is a unique and intriguing succulent plant native to Mexico. This unusual plant is characterized by its distinctive appearance and adaptation to arid and desert environments.

The most notable feature of Calibanus hookeri is its caudex or swollen, bulbous base, which resembles an onion or a woody watermelon. This caudex serves as a water storage organ, allowing the plant to survive long periods of drought by storing moisture during the rainy season. The caudex can grow quite large and can be above or partially below ground, depending on the plant's age and growing conditions.

From the top of the caudex, Calibanus hookeri produces long, slender, strap-like leaves that arch gracefully outward. These leaves are typically gray-green in color and have a somewhat leathery texture, helping the plant withstand harsh sun and arid conditions.

In the wild, this plant can reach heights of up to 3 feet (1 meter), while the caudex can grow much larger. In spring or early summer, it produces small, inconspicuous flowers on tall stalks that emerge from the center of the rosette of leaves.

Cultivated as an ornamental plant, Calibanus hookeri is often used as a striking and drought-tolerant addition to xeriscape gardens and arid landscapes. It requires well-draining soil, plenty of sunlight, and minimal watering, making it a low-maintenance choice for gardeners seeking unique and water-efficient plants.

Overall, Calibanus hookeri is a captivating and resilient succulent known for its caudex, graceful foliage, and adaptability to arid environments, making it an excellent choice for succulent enthusiasts and those looking to add a touch of desert charm to their gardens.

Botanical family: Asparagaceae

Botanical genus: Calibanus

Botanical species: Calibanus hookeri

Date of Harvest:



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