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Arum italicum SEEDS

Arum italicum SEEDS

Regular price €5,00 EUR
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Product Description

Arum italicum, commonly known as Italian arum or Italian lords-and-ladies, is a perennial plant native to the Mediterranean region and parts of Europe. This plant is a member of the Araceae family and is appreciated for its distinctive appearance, featuring both ornamental foliage and intriguing reproductive structures.

The most striking feature of Arum italicum is its large, arrow-shaped leaves that are typically glossy and deep green with white veining. These leaves can grow up to 10 inches (25 centimeters) in length and form a lush ground cover during the growing season. In late spring, the plant produces a unique, hood-like structure known as a spathe, which surrounds a finger-like spike called a spadix. The spathe is typically pale green or white, while the spadix can vary in color from yellow to orange.

Arum italicum is also known for its fascinating reproductive strategy. The spadix emits a strong, unpleasant odor that attracts pollinating insects, such as flies. These insects are lured into the spathe, where they become temporarily trapped, thus ensuring pollination. After pollination, the spathe withers away, revealing a cluster of bright red or orange berries on the spadix. These berries are attractive to birds, which aid in seed dispersal.

While Arum italicum is appreciated for its ornamental foliage and interesting reproductive structures, it's important to note that all parts of the plant contain calcium oxalate crystals, which can be irritating if ingested and may cause skin irritation when handled. As such, caution should be exercised when growing or handling this plant.

In gardening and landscaping, Italian arum is often used as a ground cover in shaded or woodland areas due to its attractive foliage and unique flowering structure, adding visual interest to gardens with its unusual combination of ornamental and reproductive features.

Araujia sericifera, commonly known as moth plant, cruel vine, or white bladderflower, is a vigorous and invasive perennial vine that hails from South America, particularly Argentina and Uruguay. This plant belongs to the Apocynaceae family and has garnered attention for its attractive appearance and ability to aggressively spread in non-native environments.

Moth plant is characterized by its twining vines that can reach lengths of up to 20 feet (6 meters) or more. The leaves are typically oval to lance-shaped, with a glossy green surface and a white or silver underside. The plant produces fragrant, trumpet-shaped flowers that are usually white or pink, often with dark pink or purple markings in the throat. These flowers are known for their strong scent, which attracts pollinators like moths and bees.

Despite its visually appealing features, Araujia sericifera is considered an invasive species in many regions outside its native habitat. It has a tendency to grow quickly and aggressively, often smothering native vegetation and disrupting local ecosystems. Its seeds are contained in distinctive inflated pods, resembling small bladders, which help the plant disperse its seeds over a wide area when they rupture and release their contents.

Due to its invasive nature and potential harm to local biodiversity, efforts are often made to control and manage the spread of moth plant in areas where it has become problematic.

While Araujia sericifera may have ornamental qualities, it is important to be cautious when cultivating or encountering this plant outside of its native range, as it has the potential to become an ecological nuisance and disrupt local ecosystems.


Botanical family: Araceae

Botanical genus: Arum

Botanical species: Arum italicum

Date of Harvest:



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