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Ariocarpus retusus X kotschoubeyanus 1043 SEEDS

Ariocarpus retusus X kotschoubeyanus 1043 SEEDS

Regular price €4,00 EUR
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Product Description

The Ariocarpus retusus x kotschoubeyanus '1043' is a hybrid that combines the distinctive characteristics of two remarkable species within the Ariocarpus genus: Ariocarpus retusus and Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus. This specific hybrid, referred to as '1043', likely denotes a particular cross or selection that has been identified and propagated for its unique traits. In general, hybrids like this one are sought after for their intriguing mix of features, which may include variations in leaf shape, size, color, and flowering habits, influenced by the genetic contributions of both parent species.

Ariocarpus retusus is known for its broad, triangular to star-shaped tubercles, while Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus features smaller, rounded tubercles often with a purple hue. The '1043' hybrid could exhibit a fascinating range of these characteristics, potentially offering compact growth with a blend of tubercle shapes and colors. Flowers can vary, presenting the possibility of blooms that combine the colors and sizes of both parents, ranging from pink to white.

Cultivation from Seeds

Cultivating the Ariocarpus retusus x kotschoubeyanus '1043' from seeds is an engaging process that allows gardeners and collectors to nurture a unique and visually striking plant from the very beginning. Here’s how to cultivate this hybrid from seeds:

  1. Seed Collection and Storage: Ensure that you have fresh seeds to increase the chances of successful germination. If you're collecting seeds, do so with care to avoid damaging the parent plant. Store the seeds in a cool, dry place until you are ready to plant.

  2. Sowing Time: The optimal time for sowing these hybrid seeds is in the spring, taking advantage of the natural increase in temperature to encourage germination.

  3. Soil Mix: Utilize a well-draining cactus mix, ideally composed of coarse sand, perlite, and a minor component of organic matter. This mix ensures adequate drainage and aeration, critical for the early development of cactus seedlings.

  4. Sowing the Seeds: Distribute the seeds evenly over the surface of your soil mix. Since light aids in the germination of Ariocarpus seeds, avoid covering them with additional soil. Instead, gently press the seeds into the mix to ensure they make good contact while remaining exposed to light.

  5. Moisture and Covering: Lightly mist the soil to keep it consistently moist but not waterlogged. Covering the seed tray with a clear plastic lid or film can help maintain humidity and warmth, essential for germination. Make sure there’s some ventilation to prevent mold.

  6. Location and Temperature: Place the seed tray in a bright location, out of direct sunlight, to avoid overheating. A consistent temperature of about 20-25°C (68-77°F) is ideal for seed germination.

  7. Germination Period: Patience is key, as seeds may take several weeks to germinate. Maintain consistent moisture in the soil without letting it dry out or become soggy.

  8. Post-Germination Care: Once seedlings begin to emerge, gradually acclimate them to drier conditions by removing the cover for short periods each day, slowly increasing exposure to ambient air.

  9. Transplanting: When seedlings are large enough to handle and have developed their first true leaves, carefully transplant them into individual pots filled with the same well-draining soil mix.

  10. Ongoing Care: Provide bright, indirect light, watering sparingly to allow the soil to completely dry out between waterings. As the plants mature, they can be slowly acclimated to more direct sunlight.

Cultivating the Ariocarpus retusus x kotschoubeyanus '1043' from seeds is a slow but rewarding process, offering the joy of watching this unique hybrid develop into a mature, stunning specimen over time. With patience and proper care, it can become an exceptional addition to any succulent collection.


Botanical family: Cactaceae

Botanical genus: Ariocarpus retusus X kotschoubeyanus 1043

Botanical species: Cactaceae

Date of Harvest:



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