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Agave scabra SEEDS

Agave scabra SEEDS

Regular price €2,90 EUR
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Product Description

Agave scabra is a species of Agave, notable for its robust and resilient nature, commonly found in arid and semi-arid regions. This succulent plant is well-regarded for its architectural form and is often used in landscaping, particularly in environments that mimic its native habitat.

  1. Appearance: Agave scabra forms a large, dense rosette of leaves. The leaves are typically long, narrow, and stiff, with a rough, sandpaper-like texture, which is characteristic of this species and the origin of the name 'scabra' (meaning rough or scaly in Latin).

  2. Color: The leaves generally exhibit a gray-green or blue-green hue, contributing to its striking appearance.

  3. Edges and Spines: The leaf margins are armed with small, sharp teeth, and each leaf typically culminates in a sharp terminal spine. These features are not only visually striking but also a practical defense mechanism against herbivores.

  4. Size: Agave scabra can grow quite large, with some plants reaching several feet in both height and width. This imposing size makes it an impressive focal point in gardens and landscapes.

  5. Flowering: Like other Agave species, Agave scabra is monocarpic, meaning it flowers once in its lifetime. The flowering event, which occurs after many years, is dramatic, producing a tall, towering stalk with numerous flowers. The flowers are usually yellow, white, or greenish in color. Post flowering, the main plant typically dies, leaving behind offsets or "pups" to continue its lineage.

  6. Growth Habit: It grows slowly and is predominantly solitary, though it may produce offsets around the base as it ages.


  • Light: Prefers full sun but can tolerate partial shade.
  • Soil: Thrives in well-draining soil, typical for succulents and cacti.
  • Watering: Drought-tolerant; requires minimal watering once established. Overwatering should be avoided.
  • Climate: Ideally suited for arid and semi-arid climates. It needs protection from frost and extreme cold.

Agave scabra is valued for its striking form and low maintenance requirements, making it a popular choice for xeriscaping, rock gardens, and other dry landscape designs. Its adaptability to harsh conditions and distinctive appearance make it a noteworthy addition to gardens, especially those designed with drought tolerance in mind.


Botanical family: Agavaceae

Botanical genus: Agave

Botanical species: Agave scabra

Date of Harvest:



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