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Abies alba SEEDS

Abies alba SEEDS

Regular price €5,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €5,00 EUR
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Product Description

Abies alba, commonly known as the European silver fir, is a majestic and evergreen coniferous tree native to Europe. This stately tree is celebrated for its impressive size, conical shape, and striking foliage. 

European silver fir stands tall, often reaching heights of 40 to 60 meters (about 130 to 200 feet), making it one of Europe's tallest trees. It features a slender, straight trunk that supports a dense crown of flat, dark green needles. These needles are arranged in pairs along the branches and have a silvery underside, giving the tree its distinctive "silver" appearance.

Botanical family: Pinaceae

Botanical genus: Abies

Botanical species: Abies alba

Date of Harvest:



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