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Neocardenasia herzogiana SEEDS

Neocardenasia herzogiana SEEDS

Regular price €2,10 EUR
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Product Description


Neocardenasia herzogiana is a species of cacti native to South America, particularly found in Bolivia. It belongs to the Cactaceae family and is known for its distinctive features and growing requirements.


  • Appearance: Neocardenasia herzogiana typically has a columnar shape, growing erect and branching out with age. Young plants may be more globular.
  • Size: It can reach heights of several meters in its natural habitat, but when cultivated, it usually stays much smaller.
  • Stems: The stems are segmented with prominent ribs, and are green to blue-green in color.
  • Spines: The cactus is covered with spines. The spines are arranged along the ribs, usually in clusters, and can vary in color from yellowish to brown.
  • Flowers: It produces flowers that are typically white or pale in color. The flowers bloom near the top of the stems and are often nocturnal.

Cultivation Tips:

  1. Light: This cactus prefers bright light and even full sunlight. However, it's advisable to gradually acclimate it to full sun to prevent sunburn.
  2. Temperature: Neocardenasia herzogiana does well in a typical house temperature range but prefers cooler temperatures during the winter (around 10°C) to encourage dormancy and flowering.
  3. Watering: Like most cacti, it requires minimal watering. Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings. Over-watering can lead to root rot.
  4. Soil: A well-draining cactus mix is ideal. You can enhance regular potting soil with sand or perlite for better drainage.
  5. Feeding: Use a diluted cactus fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer) for optimal growth.
  6. Repotting: Repotting every few years in a slightly larger pot can be beneficial, especially when the plant outgrows its current pot or the soil becomes depleted.
  7. Propagation: It can be propagated from seeds or cuttings, though seeds are more commonly used.

Special Notes:

  • This cactus is relatively slow-growing and can live for many years with proper care.
  • It's important to provide adequate ventilation, especially in humid conditions, to prevent fungal diseases.
  • It's less cold-tolerant than some other cacti, so protect it from frost.

Remember, the specific care requirements can vary depending on the environmental conditions in your area, so it's always good to observe your plant and adjust care routines as needed.


Botanical family: Cactaceae

Botanical genus: Neocardenasia

Botanical species: Neocardenasia herzogiana

Date of Harvest:



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