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Astrophytum capricorne var. aureum SAX20

Astrophytum capricorne var. aureum SAX20

Regular price €300,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €300,00 EUR
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Product Description

he Astrophytum capricorne var. aureum is a succulent plant highly sought after by cactus enthusiasts for its rare beauty and distinctive features. Native to the arid regions of Mexico, this variety of Astrophytum stands out for its globular or slightly elongated stem, light green in color, decorated with white areoles forming an intriguing star pattern on the cactus surface. The long and curved spines vary from yellow to gold, hence the name "aureum", contributing to its spectacular appearance. During the summer period, Astrophytum capricorne var. aureum blooms with magnificent yellow flowers, adding another layer of charm to this already extraordinary plant.


Cultivating Astrophytum capricorne var. aureum requires attention to specific details to ensure the health and beauty of the plant:

Exposure: It prefers intense brightness, with direct sunlight exposure for most of the day. However, during the hottest hours of the summer, it may benefit from slight shading to avoid scorching on the stem.

Soil: The ideal substrate is well-draining, to prevent water stagnation. A mix for cacti, enriched with sand or gravel, promotes optimal conditions for its development.

Watering: During the growing season, water regularly, waiting for the soil to completely dry out between watering. Significantly reduce watering in winter to simulate the natural desert environment.

Temperature: It tolerates heat well, while in winter it is important to protect it from the cold, maintaining temperatures above 5-10°C.

Fertilization: Apply a diluted cacti fertilizer at half the recommended concentration, once a month during the growth period.

Rarity of Older Specimens

Older specimens of Astrophytum capricorne var. aureum are particularly rare and sought after. Their slow growth and difficulty in reaching old age without encountering health or morphological problems significantly increase their value among collectors. A mature specimen, with its fully developed stem and long, golden spines, represents not just a cultural triumph but also a true natural work of art. The rarity of such specimens makes them objects of desire in the world of cactus collection, symbols of dedication and passion for the art of gardening with succulents.

The careful attention and patience required to cultivate Astrophytum capricorne var. aureum to maturity are an investment that pays off with the extraordinary beauty and rare charm of these specimens. Owning an old specimen of this variety is a privilege that testifies to the commitment and passion for the world of succulents.



Info and Disclaimers

Plant height: 36cm

Pot diameter:

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