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Agave americana subs. protoamericana 20-25cm

Agave americana subs. protoamericana 20-25cm

Regular price €50,00 EUR
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Plant Description

Agave americana subsp. protoamericana is a subspecies of Agave americana, commonly known as American agave or blue agave. Here's a description of this plant:


  1. Leaves: The leaves of Agave americana subsp. protoamericana are large and grayish-green in color. They are arranged in a rosette and can grow to considerable lengths, often exceeding 2 meters. The leaves are fleshy, rigid, and lined with small, sharp spines along the margins.

  2. Stem: This plant is characterized by a short stem, typically underground, known as the "rosette," from which the leaves emerge.

  3. Inflorescence: Agave americana subsp. protoamericana produces a tall panicle inflorescence that develops from the center of the leaf rosette. This inflorescence can reach considerable heights, up to 6 meters. The flowers are yellow-greenish and open along the main stem.

  4. Roots: It has a robust and deep root system, which allows it to withstand prolonged periods of drought.

  5. Habitat: This plant is native to the arid and semi-arid regions of North America, where it grows on well-drained and sunny soils. It is typically found in prairies, desert areas, and rocky hillsides.


  1. Ornamental: Agave americana subsp. protoamericana is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant for its distinctive features and drought tolerance. It is often used in parks, gardens, and xeriscape landscapes.

  2. Products: The leaves of this plant contain fibers used for the production of ropes, belts, and other craft items.

  3. Food: Some parts of the plant, such as the stem and flowers, are edible and used in some traditional cuisines of the regions where it grows.

  4. Alcoholic Beverages: The juice extracted from the leaves of Agave americana is used for the production of alcoholic beverages such as mezcal and tequila.

Agave americana subsp. protoamericana is a sturdy and resilient plant, suitable for cultivation in warm and arid climates, where it can contribute to the creation of attractive and sustainable landscapes.

Disclaimer: Please keep on mind that the plant may have grown since pictured. Also be aware that most plants change across seasons. If present foliage could have been fallen or change in its color.

Botanical family: Agavaceae

Botanical genus: Agave

Botanical species: Agave americana



Additional information

Plant Height: 20-25 cm

Plant Diameter:

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