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Lithops herrei translucens C237 (15 km E of Alexander Bay, South Africa)

Lithops herrei translucens C237 (15 km E of Alexander Bay, South Africa)

Regular price €18,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €18,00 EUR
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Product Description

Lithops herrei translucens C237 is a specific variation of Lithops herrei, a succulent plant native to Southern Africa. Here's a description of this variation:

  • Appearance: Lithops herrei translucens C237 exhibits the characteristic appearance of Lithops species, resembling small stones or pebbles. Each individual plant typically consists of a pair of fused, translucent leaf structures. These structures may have a semi-transparent or translucent quality, allowing light to pass through them.

  • Coloration: The coloration of Lithops herrei translucens C237 can vary, but it often features shades of green, grey, or brown, with translucent areas that may appear whitish or slightly colored.

  • Size: Like other Lithops, this variation remains small in size, with individual plants typically reaching diameters of around 2-3 centimeters.

  • Habitat: Lithops herrei translucens C237 is found in its natural habitat in Southern Africa, likely in arid regions with rocky or sandy soils.

Botanical family: Aizoaceae

Botanical genus: Lithops

Botanical species: Lithops herrei translucens C237


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