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Acacia auriculiformis SEEDS

Acacia auriculiformis SEEDS

Regular price €1,30 EUR
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Product Description

Acacia auriculiformis, commonly known as the Earleaf Acacia or Black Wattle, is a fast-growing, evergreen tree native to Australia, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea. It is recognized for its distinctive ear-shaped phyllodes (a type of modified leaf), which are dark green and leathery, contributing to its unique appearance. The tree produces bright yellow flower spikes that bloom from summer to fall, offering a striking contrast against the dark foliage. Acacia auriculiformis is highly valued for its wood, used in furniture making and as a source of pulp for paper production. It is also planted for erosion control and as an ornamental tree in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide.

Cultivation from Seeds:

  1. Seed Preparation: The seeds of Acacia auriculiformis have a hard outer coat, requiring scarification to enhance germination. This can be achieved by gently rubbing the seeds with sandpaper or soaking them in hot water overnight.

  2. Sowing: Plant the treated seeds in a well-draining soil mix. Cover the seeds lightly with soil and position them in a warm, sunny spot. The seeds prefer a temperature range of 20-30°C (68-86°F) for optimal germination.

  3. Germination Environment: Maintain the soil moist but not waterlogged. A greenhouse or plastic cover can help retain moisture and warmth, which are crucial for germination.

  4. Watering: Water the seeds regularly to keep the soil consistently moist until germination, which usually occurs within a few weeks.

  5. Seedling Care: Once seedlings emerge, gradually acclimate them to outdoor conditions by reducing the humidity around them and exposing them to more direct sunlight.

  6. Transplanting: When seedlings have grown sturdy and developed several true leaves, transplant them into individual pots or directly into the ground, ensuring they are spaced adequately to accommodate their growth.

  7. Ongoing Care: Earleaf Acacia trees are relatively low-maintenance once established. They require occasional watering during prolonged dry periods and may benefit from annual pruning to maintain shape and promote healthy growth.

Growing Acacia auriculiformis from seeds offers a rewarding opportunity to cultivate an attractive and versatile tree, known for its unique foliage and vibrant flowers, adding beauty and diversity to garden spaces or reforestation projects.


Botanical family: Fabaceae

Botanical genus: Acacia

Botanical species: Acacia auriculiformis

Date of Harvest:


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