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Acanthocalycium catamarcense SEEDS

Acanthocalycium catamarcense SEEDS

Regular price €1,30 EUR
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Product Description

Acanthocalycium catamarcensis is a species of cactus native to Argentina, particularly found in the Catamarca province, from which its name derives. This plant is characterized by its globular to short cylindrical shape, growing solitary or in small groups. The green body of the cactus is covered in white areoles that give rise to long, thin spines, which can range from white to yellowish in color. During the flowering season, Acanthocalycium catamarcensis produces large, vibrant flowers that bloom from the crown of the cactus, showcasing colors from white to pink and sometimes red, adding significant ornamental value.

Cultivation from Seeds:

  1. Seed Preparation: No special preparation is needed for the seeds, but they should be sown fresh for optimal germination.

  2. Sowing: Use a well-draining soil mix designed for cacti and succulents. Spread the seeds on the surface, pressing them lightly into the soil without covering them, as they require light to germinate.

  3. Germination Environment: Keep the seeded container in a warm, bright spot, avoiding direct sunlight. The ideal temperature range for germination is 20-25°C (68-77°F). Covering the container with a clear plastic lid or wrap can help maintain humidity.

  4. Watering: Mist the soil lightly to keep it moist but not waterlogged. Ensuring good drainage is crucial to prevent rot.

  5. Germination Time: Germination can take from a few weeks to several months. Patience is key, as cactus seeds can be slow to sprout.

  6. Seedling Care: Once the seedlings appear, gradually introduce them to drier conditions by removing the cover for short periods each day.

  7. Transplanting: When the seedlings are large enough to handle and have developed a few true spines, transplant them into individual pots with suitable cactus soil.

  8. Ongoing Care: Water sparingly, allowing the soil to dry completely between waterings. Provide bright light but protect from the harshest midday sun.

Cultivating Acanthocalycium catamarcensis from seeds is a rewarding process for those interested in seeing the development of this ornamental cactus from the very beginning, witnessing its growth and blooming cycle firsthand.


Botanical family: Cactaceae

Botanical genus: Acanthocalycium

Botanical species: Acanthocalycium catamarcense

Date of Harvest:


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