Catalogue Plants

These are plants that are easier to find, but essential in a lush, and cared for garden.

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Start from the seeds and care for the growth of these plants from the very beginning.

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Collectors' FAQ

Shipping Worldwide

We ship worldwide every type of plant and item in a matter of days.

Check our Shipping Policy page to further explore this topic.

136.000 plants sold on ebay

We started our online business in 2003, sharing our love for plants with thousands of plant lovers around.

Phytosanitary certificate and Warranties

We provide Phytosanitary Certificates for all plants shipped out of EU.

Make sure to select the Shipment types including Phytosanitary Certificates if you are shopping from a Country not included in the European Community.

The best Specimen and Rarest Plants

Some plants are easy to find, some require a whole lot of effort to get.

We look for the rarest species and for the healthiest specimen so that you can find unusual and marvelous plants to add to your gardens and collections.

Selecting the best plants since 2003

A fine garden is made of healthy, lush, and good looking plants. We started collecting and growing the finest ones two decades ago.

We raise them in Naples, Italy, and ship them worldwide in the shortest time, with the utmost care.

About Botanical Archive